If you are in need for instant cash to pay for an emergency and have no other source of quick cash, a payday loan might be just what you need. Also known as cash advances these, same day loans are very easy to attain within 24 hours or less.
Cash advances are mainly for paying for unexpected bills. If your vehicle brakes down, need to pay for a medical bill, Insurance and the list goes on and on. There are some great advantages for getting a pay day loan. The funds are usually transferred into your bank account within 24 hours and in many cases even sooner.
Cash advance loans are short term unsecured personal loans. Meaning, they require no collateral at all. Anyone can get them. All you need is to be 18 years or older, be a US resident and have a steady job for at least 60 days. The last thing you will need is a checking or savings account, where the lender can transfer the money. These days many lenders have other quick cash solutions and may not require you to have a bank account.
The procedure is fairly simple, easy and quick. Thanks to the internet, there is a quick no fax and no credit check solution. Because these are short-term loans, rates may vary, depending on the amount you wish to borrow and the state laws you live in. Most lenders will lend up to 1500 dollars, depending on your salary.
Due to payday loans being short term loans you are required to pay back the loan within 14 days (2 weeks) typically, from your next paycheck. Some lenders will let you negotiate the terms and will agree to let you pay back the loan within 30 days.
Experts recommend comparing at least three lenders for the best rates and terms, suitable for your needs. However, to achieve this there is no need to contact multiple payday lenders. All you need to do is use comparison tool, which will do all the work for you and show you the best lenders in your area with the most affordable loan rates for your needs.
You can still get a loan today and take care of your financial situation the same day. Do not let bad credit hold you back from solving your problems. Cash advances do not require a credit check. So any person, even with the worst credit can get a loan the same day, just like anyone else. They can be small or large amounts it is up to you.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4218929
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